The alarming data of plastic in the sea
We are filling the sea with plastic
There is a lot of plastic in the sea, the data are alarming but we continue to generate more and more plastic and in the world, even giant plastic islands.
Millions of tons of plastic in the sea are affecting our ecosystem, but it also affects our own health. In this information capsule we can see the alarming data and the different impacts of the garbage we generate and the plastic in the sea.
We must be aware of what is happening, the awakening of consciousness, makes us have a conscious look at ourselves and the planet.
We can do our bit and make the alarming data of plastic in the sea remit, we can start by ourselves in our daily lives and recycling.
Do you realize how much plastic you consume, are you aware of it? Recycling?
Don’t believe anything you just read, experiment and think for yourself.
Wake up
Wake up!
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