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We can be free if we learn to manage our thoughts. This is one of the statements made by psychiatrist Luis Gutiérrez Rojas, author of the book “Vivir más Libre”.

Are we really free?

The question of whether human beings are really free is a subject of great debate and discussion in philosophy and other disciplines. Some people argue that human beings are completely free to make decisions and act as they wish, while others argue that our actions are determined by a combination of internal and external factors, such as genetics, education, environment, and social and cultural influences.

From a philosophical perspective, some believe that freedom is an illusion, while others believe that freedom exists, but that it is limited. In any case, many philosophers have concluded that human freedom is a complex and multifaceted subject that cannot be fully defined or measured.

Although human beings may be limited by certain factors, such as those mentioned above, most people have some degree of freedom to make decisions and choose how they want to live their lives. Therefore, human freedom can be considered as a combination of internal and external factors that influence our decisions and actions.

We are slaves of our mind

The idea that we are not free because we are slaves of our mind is an interesting and valid perspective. Many times, our actions and decisions are influenced by thoughts, emotions and behavioral patterns ingrained in our subconscious mind.

For example, a person who has a fear of flying may feel that he or she does not have the freedom to travel by air, even though technically he or she has the physical ability to do so. This fear may be rooted in past experiences, limiting beliefs or even a genetic predisposition. In this case, the person’s mind is limiting his or her ability to make decisions and act freely.

However, it is important to keep in mind that not all people are limited by their minds in the same way. Some people may have greater control over their thoughts and emotions, allowing them to make decisions and act more freely. There are also techniques and tools, such as meditation and therapy, that can help people overcome the limitations imposed by their mind and increase their personal freedom.

Being free in a Capitalist society is not easy

Being free in a capitalist society can be challenging, as the economic and political system of capitalism often emphasizes the pursuit of profit and individual success, rather than promoting equality and social justice. However, there are some things you can do to be more free in a capitalist society:

  1. Define your own version of freedom: It is important to keep in mind that freedom can mean different things to different people. For some people, freedom may mean having the ability to make decisions without outside interference, while for others it may mean having access to resources and opportunities that allow them to live a dignified life. By defining your own version of freedom, you can focus on what is important to you and take steps to achieve it.
  2. Be aware of the influence of the system: Capitalism can influence the way we think and behave in the world. It is important to be aware of these influences and work to make decisions that are aligned with our personal values, rather than being driven by the pressure of the system.
  3. Participate in politics: Participating in politics can be a powerful way to advocate for system change. Voting in elections, supporting candidates who promote social justice and equality, and participating in protests and demonstrations are effective ways to make our voices heard and promote freedom.
  4. Seek community and collaboration: In a capitalist society, competition and individual success are often emphasized. However, seeking community and collaboration can help us feel more free and connected. By working together to achieve common goals, we can feel that our actions have a purpose and that we are making a difference in the world.

Being free in a capitalist society can be challenging, but by defining our own version of freedom, being aware of the influence of the system, participating in politics, and seeking community and collaboration, we can take steps to be freer in our daily lives.

To be free of our own thoughts

Being free of our own thoughts can be a challenging process and requires continuous effort. The following are some suggestions that could help achieve this goal:

  1. Practice meditation: Meditation is a technique that helps to calm the mind and develop greater awareness of our thoughts. By regularly practicing meditation, we can learn to observe our thoughts without identifying with them, which gives us more freedom to choose how we want to respond to them.
  2. Identify negative thought patterns: By paying attention to our thoughts, we can begin to identify recurring negative thought patterns that may be limiting our mental freedom. Once we identify these patterns, we can work to challenge them and replace them with more positive and constructive thoughts.
  3. Seek professional help: If our thoughts are affecting our quality of life or our ability to make decisions, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can help us identify and address negative thought patterns and develop strategies to manage our thoughts more effectively.
  4. Practicing mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the present moment, without judging or reacting to our thoughts. By practicing mindfulness, we can learn to accept our thoughts without being controlled by them, which gives us more freedom to choose how we want to respond.
  5. Cultivate positive thoughts: By cultivating positive and optimistic thoughts, we can train our mind to focus on the positive and to be more free of negative thoughts. This can help us feel freer in our daily lives and make more conscious and positive decisions.

To be free by being in control of your will.

Being free by having control over your will is an important part of personal freedom. Having control over your will means that you are able to make conscious and deliberate decisions, rather than being controlled by your impulses or external pressures.

Here are some ways to increase your control over your will and become more free:

  1. Self-knowledge: It is important to know yourself in order to make conscious decisions aligned with your personal values and objectives. Take the time to reflect on your motivations, wants and needs, and use this information to make decisions that are truly meaningful to you.
  2. Practice self-discipline: Self-discipline will help you take control of your impulses and behaviors. For example, setting schedules for activities such as work, exercise, meditation and sleep can help you maintain structure and discipline in your daily life.
  3. Make conscious decisions: When making decisions, take the time to think about the consequences of your actions and how they align with your goals and values. This will help you make more conscious decisions and avoid acting impulsively.
  4. Exercising willpower: Willpower is like a muscle that can be strengthened over time. Try things like setting goals and working towards them, making small decisions that challenge your current habits, and doing things you normally find difficult to exercise your willpower and increase your control over your decisions.
  5. Avoid distractions: Distractions can cause you to lose focus and reduce your control over your decisions. Try to reduce distractions in your life, such as excessive use of social media, television, and gambling.

In short, having control over your will is an important step towards personal freedom. Practicing self-knowledge, self-discipline, making conscious decisions, exercising willpower and avoiding distractions are some ways to increase your control over your will and be freer in your daily life.

Thinking well frees you

Psychiatrist Luis Gutiérrez Rojas has argued that “thinking well frees you” in the sense that positive and rational thinking can help you free yourself from anxiety, stress and other emotional problems that can limit your freedom.

Positive and rational thinking involves thinking in realistic and constructive terms, rather than focusing on negative and self-defeating thoughts. By focusing on positive and realistic thoughts, you can reduce your anxiety and stress, improve your self-esteem and make more conscious and rational decisions.

In addition, positive and rational thinking can also help you free yourself from limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that can impede your personal freedom. For example, if you think you are not good enough to do something, you are less likely to try it. But if you can change your thinking and believe in yourself, you are more likely to feel free to pursue your goals and objectives.

Positive and rational thinking can help you free yourself from negative and limiting thought patterns that can impede your personal freedom. By thinking more realistically and constructively, you can reduce your anxiety and stress, improve your self-esteem and make more conscious and rational decisions, which will lead you to be freer in your daily life.

Don’t believe anything you just read, think for yourself.

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